Tuesday, September 15, 2009

House Votes To Rebuke Wilson for Interruption

This is an article about a comment made, correction, yelled at the President during the speech on public health care. One that I believe shows an irresponsible person in power that needs to make a public apology seeing as he can be publicly rude. I also believe this shows the whole house his true colors and that a harsher punishment needs to be in place for those who took a vow and don't follow the rules.

The "You lie" comment made by Representative Joe Wilson that interrupted President Obama, flabbergasted some and made others quite proud, not just among the American people but among the House of Representatives as well. The Democrats demanded a public apology the Mr. Wilson refused to give. He states "It is clear to the American people that there are far more important issues than what we are dealing with now...[Obama] graciously accepted my apology, and this issue is over." He is the second lawmaker to be "rebuked by the full house" this decade. But the Houses Democrats responded that Wilson's call was not enough because he had violated chamber rules forbidding such remarks directed at colleagues or the President. House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn stated "This is about the rules of this House and reprehensible conduct."

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